Save time...At Your Door Beauty

"It’s not everyday that the world of beauty comes directly to our door, but Lauren Remington Platt, owner and creator of Vensêtte, the at your door beauty service, did just that for me. We documented the process of my transformation in my CA home last month. How it works: download the APP or go online to Vê, choose a beauty style of hair and make-up online and book a time. A stylist trained in the Vensette techniques and styles arrives at your door and within 40 min or less you are set - no fuss no stress. Being a woman that has both no clue how to do hair or time to squeeze in hair appts, this has been a life changer for me. The service is available in NYC and LA and Platt is looking to expand soon. Love when creativity and success come from working on what you love- good job LRP!"