On April 19th, we gathered in Los Angeles to celebrate the work of four extraordinary individuals who wake up every day to change children’s lives. The World of Children 2017 Hero Awards recognize real-life heroes working to dramatically improve the lives of children. But that’s not all: WoC Honorees also receive grant funds and media attention, both of which help their gold standard programs grow so that they will ultimately impact the lives of even more children. Together, we raised $350,000 to unlock the future for even more vulnerable children around the world.
My daughters and I work with World of Children. There are a few reasons why I love the organization so much:
1. They make it so easy to help. You can do as little as, re-tweet or repost social media images, or as much as travel around the world to meet heroes saving children, with the organization’s founders, Kay and Harry Lebowitz.
2. They include my girls in all activities which not only makes my life easier, it teaches them how to do their part in giving and social impact.
3. A good friend introduced me to WoC, Veronica Grazer, and when you work or participate in anything in life, it is ALWAYS better with a friend to encourage you and join in with you, care, cry and laugh with you. I highly recommend working on a charity of your choice with a BFF.
4. The board of directors covers the overhead so 100% of donations go directly to heroes that change the lives of disadvantaged children.
5. The entire premise of the charity is simple: to help fund heroes that dedicate their lives to making the lives of neglected children better. WoC aligns perfectly with my value system and how I personally want to change the world!
Meet the Honorees: https://www.worldofchildren.org/events/2017-hero-awards/