Guest Editor : Suzy Biszantz

CEO of La Perla North America, Suzy Biszantz’s shares her career rules to live by…

1. Be prepared to do an internship, even if it is unpaid
An internship is invaluable in many ways. First, it gives you actual experience in the field you plan to build your profession in. Second, it gives you a foot in the door at a desirable company where you might not otherwise have had the chance. If I have the option to hire someone who interned for me over someone who we’re blindly interviewing, a well performing intern is going to get the job every time.

2. Build A Career Doing Something That You’re Passionate About
If you love what you’re doing, all the effort doesn’t feel like work. 

3. Look for a Mentor
Whether it’s part of a formal program or just a senior executive you’ve made a connection with, mentors are crucial for career growth. When I joined Reebok, I was fortunate that Paul Fireman, Chairman and Founder took an interest in my career. Every time we met, I learned from him and his support gave me confidence as a leader. 

4. Create Strong Relationships with Peers
Seek out peers in your field and create meaningful relationships. Some of the relationships you make early in your professional life will last throughout your career. You’ll grow to provide each other support, advice on career advancement, share valuable resources and make long lasting friendships. 

5. Create a Healthy Work/Life Balance
I’ve always believed it’s important to have a balance to be able to perform at your highest ability. As a mother, living in New York City, I can walk my daughter to preschool on my way to the office. When I am not traveling, I’m motivated to get my work finished to be home in the evening to spend quality time with my children, Avery (3) and Will (1), even if that means I have to catch up on emails after they are in bed.

6. Look the Part
Always put effort into your work attire. It doesn’t mean always being dressed in formal business attire, but it does mean dressing for the job you want, not the job you have.