We do love our yoga but are always on the look out for a new class to add to our work-out game. Enter stand-up paddleboard yoga classes @TMPLGYM. We took a break one cold NYC night, put on our swimsuits and caught some waves…
“Holy Water” combines traditional yoga with strength training and high intensity intervals. A unique experience as your mind and body are both worked simultaneously. Holy Water takes place on a floating exercise mat that’s loosely tethered to the side of the pool on one side and a rope on the other. The 45-minute workout starts with a quick series of yoga poses before speeding up into squats, pushups, mountain climbers and more.
Traditional yoga requires mind over physical strength, while the more challenging exercises like burpees, climbs and squats can distract you while you try to stay a float in aqua yoga. Anything you can do on dry land, you can do on the aqua base. “It really creates that unstable surface, you are forced to stabilize just to keep yourself upright. It’s an amazing core workout,” says Brian Jarrett, head of group fitness at TMPL.
About TMPL: Work every muscle in your body at TMPL Gym’s exclusive “Holy Water” class. Created by Aquaphysical, the Aquabase is the world's first floating exercise mat. This class takes yoga to the extreme, using elements of the exercise to help stabilize on the board while incorporating low intensity strength training. This class is based off the principles of FloatFit, Aquaphysical's class designed specifically for the Aquabase. Due to the novelty and intensity level of this class, boards have been selling out in as little as three minutes.
For membership or day pass info visit: http://www.tmplgym.com