Lisa Lovatt-Smith

Celebrating 12 years of changing lives and the delights of motherhood. This is an open letter from Lisa Lovatt-Smith,  the founder of world renowned non-profit OrphanAid Africa. OrphanAid Africa serves to help children and their families living in West Africa by providing familial support, education and development. To learn more about more about Orphan Aid visit

Dear Sabrina, 
Of all my children, you really taught me how to be a mother. You were already five years old when we met so we had a lot of catching up to do. You induced me to the schoolbag-packing, hair-brushing, and story-telling delights of parenting with aplomb: then as now you were a consummate teacher. Life had treated you very harshly. We spent a lot of time trying to find our way among the forest of broken promises and destroyed attachments of your past. Darling Sabs, I nearly lost you there, when the memories became too much for you to bear. But you survived gorgeously. I remember when you had your first son, how he seemed to round you out, give you a focus, how I became less afraid for you. Now I look at you: single, juggling your two kids and your new career opportunities, urban, chic, a pretty Parisienne, great groove and great style. And I’m so impressed. You made it darling, against all odds. Thanks for making me a mum, all those years ago, and making me proud everyday.