Kayce Freed Jenning

Get to know Kayce Freed Jennings - producer, journalist, advocate and inspiration woman...

Favorite activity:
Anything in Central Park

Biggest accomplishment thus far with 10x10: 
Building partnerships - corporate, NGO and individual. They are key to spreading the word about the power of educating girls. 

Most memorable moment in history: 
The assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. – the announcement on TV is seared in my memory, as is the look on my father’s face.

What triggered the ideato start 10x10?: 
It’s so simple: Educate Girls, Change the World. Once we understood that basic, yet transformative idea, we decided to use our skills as journalists and storytellers to help make it happen. 10x10's feature film about 10 extraordinary girls will be released early next year.

Favorite movie: 


Favorite Restaurant:
Ouch! Too many. ABC Kitchen. 

Who Inspires You?:
My late husband, Peter Jennings. He continues to inspire me every day.